Monday, 23 March 2015


Meggie has two Ivy League degrees and she’s the only child of her parents. Getting Ivy League education was no big surprise to most people because her father, a successful banker invested a large portion of his savings on her education. He made a firm decision to do this after a doctor told him that it was impossible for his wife to have any other child. Although Meggie is African, she looks African-American. Everything about her speaks WOW! She’s today a replica of her father: a successful banker. One thing makes Meggie unhappy as a mother of three—her husband. About two months ago Meggie’s once romantic relationship turned awry after a monotonous harangue from over her husband’s refusal to help lessen the burden of the colossal house chores that  hit her daily. In an impetuous manner, he said “I’m not wired for chores". His response got Meggie really angry because he has more control over his time since he owns his own business.

Meggie has refused to hire a full a full time babysitter for reasons best known to her and her grouse has been the manner her husband ignores her call to partake in some chores when he’s unengaged. Assisting occasionally in chores is something most husbands don’t do. Quite a number of reasons are responsible for this, but even if you’re  not going to make it a routine occasionally do. On March 21British Prime Minister, David Cameron was spotted doing some shopping. He walked out of a shop in Chadlington, near Chipping Norton, holding a carrier bag filled with shopping as he tucked into a slice of cake. This is typically one way a man can decide to surprise his wife. So your busy schedules are no excuse not give such a surprise occasionally to your wife. Surprise is the greatest gift that a man can ever give to a woman.


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