Tuesday, 3 March 2015


I had a  tough time yesterday trying to explain to a guy why he should move from the realm of pity to compassion. I encountered this guy after battling to fix some issues in my business. He spoke loudly with a gloomy outlook and almost cried profusely. This guy just lost his virginity! A bit of carelessness made his once-upon-a-time revered chaste status disappeared  into thin air. Recently he allowed a female friend of his to  sleep in his house. Yes, he did that with good intention because the girl was a waif. That day he had sex with the girl after failing to suppress the pressure from his elements.

My worry wasn’t about the emotional pang that he suffered, but his decision to marry that girl out of pity. First, she was a waif and from the details provided by the guy, I could infer that her seduction was orchestrated. Second, he saw the coitus as harmful to his self-esteem and that of the girl. So in a bid to pay damages  he decided that he was going to marry the girl.

“And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.”Matthew 14:14

Pity does not release any good but drains what is held as good. Jesus is a perfect example of one who showed compassion. On different occasions he showed compassion and never showed pity. That guy was on a path to marry out of pity and not out of love. God’s ordained spouse for anyone isn’t one chosen out of pity. If you decide to marry out of pity the big question is “After pity what next?”Today too many people go about showing pity and not compassion. If a bit of those who show pity start showing compassion then the world would be better than what it is presently. I’ve seen people shed tears during funerals and when they encounter   persons with serious challenges, but still don’t do anything to fix the situation even when they have the capacity to.

A mere shedding of tears will do no good. People who pity others don’t move to soothe the pain plaguing people. God’s nature of love can be expressed through compassion and not through pity. So the next time you shed tears over any situation, ask yourself after the tears what next? 

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