On Sunday I shared
with you a content from an old high school note. Today I'm going to share
another which I've christened 'The Triple Strings of Marriage'. Although it's
been long that I wrote this short note I always draw fresh insights whenever I
read it.
There are three
things that must be strongly adhered to in marriage: leave, cleave, and become
one flesh (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5).
Leave implies the
breaking away from your parental ties. Cleave is the marriage itself. It must
conform to societal standards in order for it to be legal. A woman playing
'house' with a man is not yet cleaved to that man because her act is strongly
frowned against by the society. Become one flesh means intimate sexual
relationship and the fulfillment of some important true love tests like: bed
test, respect test, devotion test, and sharing test.
All these can be
best experienced when you take as wife someone
a true sense of womanhood. A lady
with a true sense of womanhood is not only concerned about her outward beauty but
also concerned about the beauty that comes from within. She is gentle,
compassionate and tolerant.